Weight Management
Successful weight management requires a thorough understanding of what the body needs in order to stay lean and healthy. One must develop a working knowledge of the types of fat which get stored on the body and why. There are certain fat deposits that are risky and the dangers should be acknowledged. For example, visceral fat is the belly fat that gets stored around vital organs in the abdominal region. Its propensity for causing hormonal chaos and disrupting the function of vital organs is well noted in clinical study.
Smart weight management means knowing how to source, prepare and consume a diet that is nutritionally rich, that supports the metabolism and provides for the body energetically. We must keep physically active, regardless of our age, so that we do not lose muscle mass which in turn helps burn fat. Keeping our hormones in balance is another consideration in weight management. We must know how to optimise their secretion throughout life, so that they may contribute to health, wellness and a lean body composition.
The Dangers of Visceral Fat
How your fat cells become harmful to your health.
How the body burns fat reserves
How to Burn Belly Fat During Sleep
There is sleep. Then there is hormone regulated regenerative sleep. Learn how to burn belly fat during sleep by managing your sleep hormones.
Common Causes of Belly Fat
The dangers of developing Visceral Fat (Belly Fat). To lose belly fat, you must identify the cause.
Muscle Building Diet and Nutrition
Our muscle building diet and nutrition tips will focus on what foods to eat and the timing of meals to help fuel muscle hypertrophy.
Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
There have been many studies that have investigated the effects of intermittent fasting, and the results reveal that it has many positive effects.
How to Calculate Omega 6 to Omega 3 Ratio
Diet and Nutrition How to calculate Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio? For optimal health and wellness we all need to know how to calculate Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratios. Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats are polyunsaturated, essential fatty acids. Polyunsaturated means that...