What is andropause
What is Andropause?
Andropause is a male hormone deficiency that occurs through the ageing process and its very similar to what women experience in menopause. Unfortunately, as men get older, they too have a decrease in their hormones. You may have heard the term ‘male menopause’ or andropause. It signifies the time at which men may experience their ‘mid-life crisis’. At this stage of life, reduced testosterone is responsible for most of the changes.
Testosterone is the hormone that gives a male his virility and stamina. It helps build protein, which in turn makes muscle, enabling a man to sustain his fitness and health goals. It also strengthens bones and supports liver functionality.
In a fit, healthy male, testosterone is automatically produced. When the circulation of testosterone becomes reduced, the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland trigger a release of hormones, which in turn increases testosterone production.
Hypogonadism – The precursor to andropause
Hypogonadism is andropause in its early stages. This usually begins to happen naturally when men are in their 30’s. Men lose around 2% testosterone production per year. However, in men that have lived an unhealthy lifestyle, e.g. poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, drug abuse, and lack of exercise, these symptoms may start earlier, and testosterone levels may drop at a faster rate. Other, sometimes unavoidable factors, contribute to this decline in testosterone such as certain medications, stress and even a lack of sex.
With ageing, when the signals are sent from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to produce the luteinizing hormone (which is the gonadotrophic releasing hormone that produces testosterone) it cannot produce them as it once did. Once this cycle begins, andropause is close behind.
With a healthy lifestyle and regular check-ups that include hormone level testing, symptoms are less likely to appear at an earlier age, and if they do, steps to slow down the process may be discussed.
Symptoms of Andropause
Psychological Changes.
- Social withdrawal
- Heightened Stress and Anxiety
- Depression
- Mood swings (including anger)
- Loss of libido
Physical Symptoms.
- Impaired memory/lack of concentration (may lead to Alzheimer’s Disease)
- Fatigue (loss of energy)
- Weight gain
- Decreased muscle mass & muscular tone
- Gynecomastia (male breast development)
- Hair loss
- Hot flashes
- Headaches
- Night sweats
- Osteoporosis (loss of bone density which increases the chance of injury)
- Insomnia
- Erectile dysfunction / impotence
- Decreased semen volume and motility
- Diabetes
How to reverse the symptoms of andropause effectively
The dangers of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for males experiencing andropause
Testosterone supplements are available in topical gels, patches, and injections.
Before taking any HRT, it is essential to consult your doctor, as there are possible side effects. Some side effects have included stroke, heart attack and acceleration of pre-existing prostate cancer.
SARMS MK2866 and Testosterone levels in the Relief of Andropause Symptoms
Sarms MK2866 is a selective androgen receptor modulator. Both an androgen, and a type of hormone, Sarms MK2866 has the ability to increase testosterone levels resulting in a coinciding increase of muscle mass and bone density.
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