

Combats Obesity | 200mg  | 60 Capsules

What is SlimCarb?

Slimcarb assists in the treatment of obesity by inhibiting salivary, pancreatic and intestinal a-glycosidase enzyme activity, thereby promoting a delayed absorption of carbohydrates and glucose. In addition, SlimCarb® has an inhibitory action on pancreatic lipase - an enzyme responsible for digesting fat.

Reduces carbohydrate, glucose and fat absorption

SlimCarb blocks the activity of salvatory & intestinal enzymes, thereby inhibiting the absorption of carbohydrates and glucose. This anti-nutrient effect of the phytoactive on a-amylase and a-glycosidase assists in the management of obesity. SlimCarb® similarly inhibits pancreatic lipase, an enzyme responsible for breaking down 50 – 70% of the total fats we ingest. The result is a direct prevention of weight gain.


Twenty individuals were evaluated (men and women - mean age 58 years) and type 2 diabetes patients, with elevated fasting blood glucose, but without the use of conventional hypoglycemic agents.
The results indicate that the PhytoActive provided a significant reduction in fasting blood glucose, Glycated Haemoglobin and Body Mass Index

Usual Dosage:

Take one capsule twice daily before main meals. Improved weight loss results will be obtained if combined with a healthy meal plan and physical exercise.

Use SlimCarb in conjunction with GreenSelect Phytosome and BeanBlock for optimal results.

No studies have proven safe to use this product during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

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