Growth Hormone Deficiency
About Growth Hormone
- 191-amino acid, single-chain polypeptide
- Secreted by somatotropic cells located in the lateral wings of the anterior pituitary gland.
- Increases glucose and free fatty acid levels.
- Stimulates production of IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor)
What causes adult-onset growth hormone deficiency?
Growth hormone deficiency in adults or AGHD (adult-onset growth hormone deficiency) develops out of the reduced secretion of ones natural growth hormone.
Growth hormone is extremely important throughout our lives, and the depletion of GH is very noticeable, particularly in those reaching midlife. Low levels of growth hormone dramatically reduce one’s quality of life for it is the hormone responsible for maintenance and repair during adulthood.
For grown adults who are experiencing growth hormone deficiency, the natural repair and regenerative healing that was experienced in their youth is lost. Bones and muscle quickly lose their mass, leaving the body and its frame particularly vulnerable to injury and falls. An increased rate of injury occurs as a result of this fragility, of which most people start to see a decline in both their health and lifestyle. Each new injury comes with it, further downtime, less muscular usage and limited mobility which in turn increases the risk of future accidents and falls. Injuries that are sustained have the potential to cripple those with growth hormone deficiency, weakening their constitution till they can no longer be independent or achieve mobility.
Growth hormone deficiency typically starts to occur around the age of 30 years of age. Significant drops in growth hormone occur at this time. What follows is the onset of menopause and andropause in males. It has been theorised that most if not all of the symptoms of ageing experienced in human beings, has a direct link to this deficiency in growth hormone.
Growth hormone deficiency in adults contributes to earlier death.
The reduced GH levels causes:
Reduction in bone mass density
A decrease in muscle mass (sarcopenia)
What are the symptoms of AGHD? (Adult Onset Growth Hormone Deficiency)
If you are concerned about your declining growth hormone levels, take a look at the following questions to determine your status.
Do I have growth hormone deficiency?
- Have I lost muscle mass in the past few years?
- Do I have less endurance or muscular strength?
- Do I take a longer time to recover from physical activity?
- Do I have skin wounds or muscular strains that are taking much longer to heal than usual?
- Have I experienced any hair loss from my body or scalp?
- Is my skin becoming thin and wrinkled?
- Do I have fat storage around my waist that is hard to remove?
- Do I have fat storage around my knees that is hard to remove?
- Do I have trouble with my memory?
- Has my thinking speed decreased?
- Has my sleep quality declined?
- Do I feel less motivated to join others socially?
- Do I feel a general sense of fatigue, despite having had a full nights rest?
These are symptoms of a disease. If you answered yes to a number of these questions, it is possible you are already experiencing growth hormone deficiency. To know for sure if this is the case, you can order a simple test which will provide information on your growth hormone status. We offer a blood test that can be taken before the use of GH releasing products. Though it is not mandatory to take this blood test, we strongly suggest you do. This is not only for your health and safety, but it will give the doctor a starting point from which to monitor your levels throughout treatment. It ensures the success of your peptide treatment program – which is what we all want to achieve.
At Peptide Clinics South Africa, you are in good hands. We have on board a highly qualified hormone doctor who is well aware of the symptoms of AGHD and has been treating growth hormone deficiency successfully for many years.
What does the doctor suggest I do if I am concerned about my GH levels?
BLOOD TEST: This will supply you with an accurate reading of your current GH levels.
REVIEW: The doctor will review your choice of peptide and evaluate its purpose alongside that of your goals for peptide use. The pathology outcome will be considered whereby the doctor can then determine the correct dosage for your peptide treatment.
FOLLOW UP BLOOD TEST: Follow up tests are necessary for those with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, as they will highlight the level of improvement in your bloodwork.
CAUTION: One must understand that GH-releasing peptides are not the same as steroids. A “less is more” attitude will grant patients access to peak performance of growth hormone. The abuse of growth hormone and overdosing leads to unwanted side effects. For some who abuse growth hormone, this may result in the inability to naturally release growth hormone, accelerating symptoms of ageing and degeneration.
We want you to achieve your goals; thus we ask you to trust the expertise of our doctor in dosing for optimal treatment.
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